Civic Choice Award 2023

I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you, my friends, my family, my fans and my followers, for your unwavering support in voting for me for the Civic Choice Award - Melbourne Prize for Urban Sculpture 2023.

With over 500 votes, your collective effort and love have left me truly speechless.

In this journey, I have not only felt the support of you but also the warmth of a tightly-knit community that we've built together. It's incredible to see how a shared passion for art and creativity has brought us closer, and I am genuinely touched by the sense of unity we've created.

Your votes represent our shared vision of a vibrant, diverse and supportive artistic community.

I would also like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to Maree Clarke for her well-deserved win of the Melbourne Prize for Urban Sculpture 2023. Let's continue to support and uplift one another in our artistic endeavours, fostering an even stronger and more vibrant creative community.

Once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind support and love.


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